前端开发者手册第二部分: 前端开发学习自主学习构建 & 任务自动化
构建 & 任务自动化
构建自动化是软件构建和相关流程的自动化过程, 包括: 将计算机源码编译成二进制代码, 打包二进制代码和运行自动化测试. - wikipedia
- JavaScript Build Automation With Gulp.js [watch][$]
- Getting Started with Gulp [read][$]
- Rapid Gulp [watch][$]
- Learning Gulp - Getting started with the font end factory [read]
- Gulp Basics [watch][$]
- Using npm as a Task Runner [watch][$]
- gulp
Gulp 是非常棒的构建工具, 然后, 你可能仅仅只需要 npm run
. 在你的应用程序栈变得负责之前, 问问你自己, npm run
是否能完成自动化构建. 如果你需要更多, 可以同时使用 npm run
和 Gulp.
- Give Grunt the Boot! A Guide to Using npm as a Build Tool
- Task automation with npm run
- Build Tools vs npm Scripts: Why Not Both?
- Using npm as a build system for your next project
- How to Use npm as a Build Tool
- Gulp不完全入门教程